
Mittwoch 3. Juni 2015
19.00 Uhr Eröffnung
19.30 - 22.30 Uhr Rundgang
ab 22.00 Uhr Party


von Hristina Sergejeva, 2015
Gips, 32 x 30 x 90 cm
Hofberg 8

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  • _DSC6845Linz Hohlweg

    _DSC6845Linz Hohlweg

  • _DSC6854Linz Hohlweg

    _DSC6854Linz Hohlweg


We seldom follow our dreams and rather choose other ways which seem „more rational“ to us.

But if we stick to logical solutions, than very soon we will start to feel sad, unhappy, or even confused. Those moments are the signals, that we are not paying attention to our „inner child“. More often than not we ignore those feelings and just go on to live as always. But there are lucid moments in our lifes that feel effectively real, a certainty.

This is our „inner child“.  It does not want to be ignored anymore and will have attention from us.

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